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June 3, 2016 at Skydive Dubai

 GOBLIN DAY – weekend, hours, awesome time, amazing time-whatever you call it. I think it was the most epic event of the year…quoted by Mr. Dave Dijkmans of Area51 RC, Spain. He flew all the way from Spain with only 2  days of notice from our very own World Class RC 3D Heli Pilot, Mr. Tareq Al Saadi…It’s the GOBLIN DAY 2016…”Where RC Model Helicopter Flying is for Fun”..Hosted by Hobby Centre in coordination with Tareq Al Saadi and SkyDive Dubai…In total there were 12 pilots that came and show their skills with the Goblins…they were Sheikh Ahmed Al Mualla, Mohammed Al Daheri, Hashim Salih, Ahmed Aisa Mousa, Hussein Amen, Abdulah Jassem, Saood Al Malah, Mohammed Al Khawi , Thamer Ahmed Al Shamsi, Dave Dijkmans, Ibrahim Mohd Ali and Tareq Al Saadi.




goblin day 2016 helicoper skydive dubai hobbycentre

skydive dubai hobbycentre event

goblin helicopter hobbycentre

goblin helicopter skydive hobbycentre

hobbycentre goblin helicopters

hobbycentre helicopters goblin day 2016

goblin day 16 dubai hobby centre

skydive dubai event view hobbycenter


goblin day event with family hobbycentre

goblin day event 2016 hobbycentre participate

goblin day with important person hobbycentre

skydive dubai event 16 with hobbycentre

hobbycentre background skydive dubai banner

goblin day 16 hobbycentre

goblin day 16 hobbycentre

goblin day events with arab

goblin day 16 event hobbycentre

goblin event 16 hobbycentre

goblin day 16 hobbycentre

goblin day 16 hobbycentre

goblin day 2016 hobbycentre event

goblin day 2016 hobbycentre event

goblin day 2016 hobbycentre event

goblin day 16 hobbycenter event

hobbycentre gallery goblin day 16

hobbycentre goblin day 16

goblin day 16 hobbycentre

Youtube Video

